304 North Cardinal
St. Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

Pepper Steak

Pepper Steak

Indulge in the tasty magic of Pepper Steak – a delicious dish that’s like a flavor celebration in your mouth! In just 30 minutes, you’ll be savoring this delightful blend of sweet and savory goodness. Forget waiting for the delivery…

Angel Hair Pasta

Angel Hair Pasta

In the hustle of today’s fast-paced life, who doesn’t appreciate a delicious meal ready in just 10 minutes? Enter angel hair pasta, a light and swift-cooking option that doesn’t compromise on flavor. This recipe is not just a time-saver; it’s…

Instant Pot Mac and Cheese

Instant Pot Mac and Cheese

Shake up your mac and cheese game with this Instant Pot recipe. No need for juggling multiple pots or spending hours tethered to the stove—everything effortlessly converges in the Instant Pot. Toss elbow macaroni into the Instant Pot, drown it…

One-Pot Lemon Pasta

One pot Lemon Pasta

Alright, folks. We’re talking about a game-changer here—One-Pot Lemon Pasta. No fancy chef moves, just good food, real quick. Start with a big pot, right? Throw in 12 ounces of linguine, four garlic cloves (give ’em a good smash), and…

Air Fryer Salmon

Air Fryer Salmon

So, you’re standing in your kitchen, right? Got a salmon fillet staring back at you, and there’s this air fryer sitting there like it’s your unsung hero. Trust me, it’s about to be a game-changer without all the usual kitchen…