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Home » Blog » Decoding Purple Garlic: How Is It Different from Common Garlic

Decoding Purple Garlic: How Is It Different from Common Garlic

Garlic is a favorite in many dishes worldwide, giving them a special taste whether it’s raw, roasted, or cooked. But did you know there are different kinds of garlic? Each type has its own flavor, color, and texture. People often talk about purple and white garlic. Even the fancy black garlic is just white garlic that’s been fermented. So, what makes purple garlic special? In the United States, white garlic is common because it’s easy to grow and comes from China. But in other places, like purple garlic might be easier to find.

What Makes Purple Garlic Different?

If you’re not used to seeing purple garlic, you’ll notice a few things. Purple garlic heads are smaller than white ones, and they have a stalk in the middle, making them ‘hardneck.’ White garlic is bigger and usually ‘softneck,’ without that stalk. Also, when you cut purple garlic, the cloves are firmer and juicier compared to white garlic.

Why Pick Purple Garlic?

People like purple garlic not just because it’s juicier, but it also tastes sweeter and milder when it’s fresh. It’s perfect for raw sauces. And guess what? It’s healthier too! Purple garlic has more allicin, which boosts the immune system, and an extra antioxidant called anthocyanin. This is what gives purple garlic its color and brings health benefits, like reducing the risk of heart disease and cancer.

Easy to Use, but Doesn’t Last Long

Purple garlic is also convenient. It’s easier to peel because of its thick skin, and the cloves come off the stalk easily. But, there’s a catch. It doesn’t last as long as white garlic on the shelf. White garlic wins in durability. But don’t worry, with fewer cloves in each head, you’ll use up purple garlic quickly.

Whether it’s purple or white, garlic makes food taste amazing. It adds a special touch to every dish and is a must-have in any kitchen around the world.”

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Daisy Smith
Daisy Smith