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What do the Dutch eat? Top 90 dishes from the Netherlands

Welcome to a culinary journey through Dutch cuisine! Today, we invite you to immerse yourself in the rich and diverse tapestry of Dutch cuisine, a delightful amalgamation of flavors, traditions, and regional specialties that make the Netherlands a hidden gem for food lovers.'

From hearty stews that warm the soul to decadent desserts that satisfy your sweet tooth, Dutch cuisine has a unique charm that reflects the country’s history, culture, and agricultural abundance. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you on a delectable journey through 90 Dutch dishes that showcase the culinary treasures of this enchanting nation.

Get ready to discover the magic of stroopwafels, indulge in the comforting warmth of erwtensoep, and savor the delicate layers of poffertjes. Whether you’re a seasoned chef looking for new inspiration or a curious foodie eager to expand your palate, this compilation promises to be a feast for your senses.

Join us as we navigate the diverse landscapes of Dutch cuisine, from the bustling markets of Amsterdam to the quaint villages of Friesland. Each dish tells a story, and together, they create a symphony of tastes that will leave you craving more.

So, put on your apron, sharpen those knives, and let’s dive into the heart of Dutch gastronomy. Get ready to tantalize your taste buds and bring the flavors of the Netherlands to your own kitchen. Are you prepared for the mouthwatering adventure that awaits? Let’s start exploring the world of Dutch dishes!

1. Stroopwafels


Stroopwafels are a delicious Dutch treat made of two thin waffles stuck together with thick caramel syrup. They’re super popular in the Netherlands! Here’s a tip: pop them in the microwave for just 10 seconds to make the caramel inside a bit melty – it’s like a taste of heaven!

2. Pannenkoeken


Pannenkoeken, traditional Dutch pancakes, are a beloved treat enjoyed by people worldwide. Whether sweet or savory, the Dutch have mastered the art of pancakes, and many cafes offer a wide variety of toppings to choose from.

While pancakes may seem like a simple dish, there’s something special about enjoying one prepared by a skilled chef. Served with a hot cup of coffee, sitting outside a café and observing the world go by, it becomes a delightful and comforting experience that transcends the ordinary.

3. Stamppot


Stamppot is a quintessential example of the warmth and heartiness that defines Dutch cuisine. This dish features mashed potatoes blended with root vegetables such as turnip, carrot, and onion, and can also include dark, leafy greens like kale or spinach.

With a history dating back to the 15th century, Stamppot has become a staple of Dutch cooking. Despite its ancient origins, its exact creator remains unknown. This comforting dish is perfect for a relaxed evening dinner, especially when enjoyed in the traditional way – paired with a smoked sausage.

4. Maasdam


Maasdam is a classic Dutch cheese crafted from cow’s milk. This semi-hard cheese features a waxed rind that conceals a creamy and supple texture adorned with large eyes. The aromas are fruity, while the flavors encompass mild, nutty, buttery, and sweet notes.

With a minimum fat content of 45%, Maasdam was introduced in the early 1990s as an economical alternative to the pricey Swiss Emmental cheese. Aging between 4 to 12 weeks, when young, it is often enjoyed as a snack or used in sandwiches. Maasdam’s versatility extends to melting, making it suitable for soups, fondues, and casseroles.

Pairing well with Gewurztraminer, Merlot, Chianti, and IPA beer, Maasdam has found its place in Dutch cheese culture, named after the village of Maasdam in Zuid-Holland.

5. Zoervleis


Zoervleis is an authentic delicacy originating from the province of Limburg. Traditionally made with horse meat marinated in vinegar, giving it the name “sour flesh,” contemporary versions often substitute beef for the meat.

This savory stew is elevated with the addition of bay leaves, cloves, peppercorns, appelstroop (apple syrup), and chunks of Dutch gingerbread called ontbijtkoek. During the cooking process, a thick gravy forms, making zoervleis a perfect companion to fries, akin to the widely enjoyed Canadian dish, poutine. The combination of flavors and textures in zoervleis creates a unique and delicious culinary experience.

6. Pepernoot


Pepernoten are special Dutch cookies linked to the Sinterklaas holiday. These cookies are shaped like tiny squares and made with ingredients like flour, milk, butter, sugar, anise seed, cinnamon, and cloves. Kids really enjoy pepernoten because they have a yummy mix of spiciness and sweetness, plus a chewy texture.

7. Dutch Licorice/Drop

Dutch Licorice

In the Netherlands, people really love licorice, which they call “Drop.” It’s a big deal there – they even have the highest per person consumption of licorice in the whole world (who even keeps track of that stuff?). You can find all kinds of Drop in any supermarket in the Netherlands. There’s soft honey-flavored licorice and hard salmiak-flavored pieces – something for everyone!

8. Worstenbroodje


Worstenbroodjes are a delectable specialty from Brabant, featuring bread rolls stuffed with a flavorful filling made of meat, typically a blend of ground pork and beef. The mixture is seasoned with a medley of spices and herbs, including pepper, nutmeg, and parsley. These savory rolls are enjoyed all year round, with a particular fondness during the colder months in the Netherlands.

For the perfect worstenbroodje, it’s suggested to brush the rolls with an egg wash and bake them until they achieve a golden-brown hue on the crust. This final touch adds a delicious finish to these savory treats, making them a delightful choice for any occasion.

9. Kipcorn


Kipcorn is a yummy snack that comes from the Netherlands. You can often find it in fast-food places there. It’s made by mixing chicken or turkey meat into a kind of slurry, and then covering it with breadcrumbs, cornflour, or cornflakes to make it crispy.

They shape it into a long rod and fry it in hot oil until it turns golden and crispy. After that, they serve it hot. You can eat it with mayonnaise, curry sauce, peanut sauce, or ketchup on the side, depending on what you like. And if you’re really hungry, there’s an extra-long version called Kipcorn XL.

10. Krakeling


Krakeling is a sweet treat from the Netherlands, and it’s a type of kringle, which is like a pretzel in its shape. Usually, it’s sprinkled with sugar or cinnamon. When it’s made in a bigger size, people in the Netherlands often enjoy krakeling with coffee during funerals and cremations. Its shape is thought to symbolize both the start and the end of life.

11. Boterkoek


Boterkoek, or butter cake, is a delightful and easy-to-make sweet treat that holds a special place in Dutch cuisine. Made with simple ingredients like butter, sugar, and flour, this confectionary delight often features almond paste to enhance its flavor. Depending on preference, it may also include vanilla, salt, or lemon zest.

Known for its dense consistency and rich taste, boterkoek is typically cut into small pieces and pairs wonderfully with a steaming cup of coffee (koffie). The word “lekker” perfectly captures the sentiment – delicious! Enjoying a slice of boterkoek is not just a culinary experience; it’s a delightful journey into Dutch sweetness.

12. Frikandel


Frikandel is a unique deep-fried sausage, widely popular in Belgium and the Netherlands. Although its exact origin, whether Belgian or Dutch, has been debated for years, it emerged in the 1950s. The original recipe included a mix of meats like pork, chicken, and horse meat, but due to controversy surrounding horse meat consumption, most producers excluded it from their recipes.

Traditionally served plain with a side of mayonnaise, frikandel also appears in variations like “broodje frikandel,” where it’s nestled in a white bread bun, or “frikandel speciaal,” where it’s sliced open and topped with mayonnaise, curry ketchup, and finely chopped onions. These delightful sausages are commonly found in snack bars and friteries throughout Belgium and the Netherlands.

13. Beemster Classic

Beemster Classic

Beemster Classic stands out as an aged variation of the Gouda-style Dutch cheese. Crafted from cow’s milk, this semi-hard cheese undergoes a minimum 18-month aging process, resulting in a firm, smooth, and creamy texture beneath its natural rind.

The aromas are robust and rich, while the flavors deliver a combination of saltiness, sharpness, and hints of burnt caramel, concluding with a sweet finish. Ideal for use in sandwiches, Beemster Classic pairs wonderfully with Malbec or full-bodied white wines. Alternatively, enthusiasts may enjoy it with a glass of hoppy and bitter craft beer.

Recognized for its quality, Beemster is among the best-selling cheeses in the US and achieved a Super Gold medal at the 2014 World Cheese Awards, further solidifying its esteemed status.

14. Bossche bol

Bossche bol

Bossche bol, a Dutch specialty from s’Hertogenbosch, is a classic pastry consisting of a traditional chocolate-coated shell filled with whipped cream. These indulgent treats are known for their substantial size, often prompting the provision of forks, knives, and ample napkins to manage the delightful mess they create.

Legend has it that Henri van der Zijde invented this sweet masterpiece in 1920. Nowadays, bossche bollen are typically enjoyed alongside a cup of coffee. For those seeking an even larger treat, there’s the reuzenbol, twice the size of the original. Additionally, the moorkop offers a similar pastry experience but in a more petite form. Bossche bol is a quintessential Dutch delight, showcasing the country’s rich pastry heritage.

15. Bruine Bonensoep

Bruine Bonensoep

Bruine Bonensoep, or brown bean soup, is a traditional Dutch dish that finds its place on the table, especially during the chilly winter months. With the Netherlands experiencing cold winters, a warm and hearty brown bean soup becomes a fitting and comforting choice.

This soup is a blend of brown beans, vegetables, and meats, seasoned with an assortment of spices like juniper berries, cloves, and thyme. The preparation of this Dutch delight requires time and patience, as it needs to be slowly cooked for hours to allow the flavors to meld and create a rich and satisfying experience.

16. Poffertjes


Poffertjes are like tiny Dutch pancakes – what’s not to love? These little fluffy pancakes are soft and spongy, and they’re typically served with powdered sugar and butter. You can often get them at markets, funfairs, or festivals, but sometimes restaurants also have them on the menu. They’re a tasty treat that you don’t want to miss!

17. Eierkoek


Eierkoek, or “Egg Cookie” in English, might sound like a cookie, but it’s more like a cake with a hint of vanilla. These cakes are made from simple ingredients like egg, milk, flour, and butter, and they come in sizes ranging from 10 to 20 centimeters in diameter. For an extra tasty touch, you can add a little layer of butter and sugar to enhance the flavor. They’re a delicious treat that’s definitely worth trying!

18. Gerookte paling

Gerookte paling

Gerookte paling, or smoked eel, is a Dutch delicacy readily available at haringhuis (herring stands) or vishandel (fish shops) throughout Amsterdam. While smoked eel was once a dietary staple in the country, its current scarcity and relatively high cost have elevated it to the status of a true delicacy.

This dish not only offers a unique and flavorful experience but also provides health benefits, being rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and protein. Typically served on a bun or cracker, gerookte paling is commonly enjoyed as a snack, representing a distinctive aspect of Dutch culinary culture.

19. Tompoes


Tompoes, also known as Tompouce, is a classic Dutch pastry made with layers of puff pastry, creamy pastry filling, and sweet icing. It’s often enjoyed with a cup of tea or coffee. On King’s Day, these pastries get a special touch with orange icing to celebrate the national color. They’re a delightful treat that adds a festive touch to any occasion!

20. Rundvleeskroket


Rundvleeskroket is a Dutch kroket variation commonly enjoyed as a snack, frequently available at street vending machines offering food. With an elongated shape, it features a filling of flour-thickened beef ragù that is coated in breadcrumbs and deep-fried.

Typically served with mustard, rundvleeskroket is commonly consumed on its own, although some may choose to enjoy it in a bun. This savory and convenient treat reflects the popular Dutch snack culture, providing a flavorful option for those on the go.

21. Oliebollen


The name oliebollen translates to ‘oil spheres,’ and these charming treats are essentially balls of dumpling batter fried in hot oil, generously dusted with icing sugar. While variations exist across northern Europe, Oliebollen originated in the Netherlands. Historically, they were enjoyed during yule time by Germanic tribes who offered baked goods, including Oliebollen, to the Germanic goddess Perchta as a gesture of appeasement to ward off evil spirits.

22. Sudderlapjes


Sudderlapjes is a Dutch dish featuring slowly cooked beef, creating a rich and flavorful meal. The preparation involves pan-frying the meat until it browns, followed by combining it with ingredients such as vinegar, red wine or beer, onions, mace, and bay leaves. The concoction is then left to simmer for an extended period, ranging from 4 to 8 hours, allowing the meat to develop an exceptionally tender texture.

For optimal flavor infusion, it’s recommended to refrigerate the dish and enjoy it the next day when all the tastes have melded together. Served atop a bed of creamy mashed potatoes, sudderlapjes offers a hearty and comforting dining experience.

23. Speculaas


Speculaas, a spiced shortcrust biscuit, is a traditional delight enjoyed around Sinterklaas time on December 5th in the Netherlands. These thin, crunchy biscuits carry a distinctive flavor reminiscent of cinnamon and caramel. Often coming in various shapes, they commonly feature iconic symbols like windmills or other Sinterklaas-related figures. It’s a tasty and festive treat that adds a touch of warmth to the holiday season.

24. Spekkoek


Spekkoek is a delightful fusion of Dutch and Indonesian influences in the culinary scene. Inspired by Indonesian cuisine, which has left its mark on Dutch cooking since colonial times, Spekkoek is a unique treat. This thinly layered cake is generously spiced with flavors like cinnamon, clove, and anise, giving it a distinct taste. Often enjoyed after dinner, Spekkoek is a perfect blend of two rich culinary traditions.

25. Gehaktballen


Gehaktballen are the Dutch rendition of meatballs, known for their substantial size. This dish is closely tied to the winter season, serving as a quintessential example of Dutch comfort food. Typically, gehaktballen are crafted from a mixture of ground beef and pork, seasoned with ingredients like salt, pepper, nutmeg, onions, and mustard.

The meatballs are simmered slowly in their own juices until fully cooked. When presented, gehaktballen can be paired with a variety of accompaniments, ranging from stamppot and bread to condiments like mustard, ketchup, and peanut sauce. This hearty dish reflects the warm and satisfying essence of Dutch winter cuisine.

26. Chocomel


Chocomel is a whole new level of chocolate-flavored milk, way beyond your regular chocolate milk. This Dutch brand takes it up a notch – it’s as smooth as silk and has a taste that’s more like liquid chocolate than milk. If you think you know chocolate milk, Chocomel is here to redefine the game!

27. Kaas


Cheese, a quintessential part of Dutch culinary heritage, has been crafted in the Netherlands since 800 B.C. Notably, the Netherlands stands as the largest cheese exporter globally, and with an average of 21 kilograms per person per year, it’s safe to say that the Dutch have a deep affection for their cheese. Whether enjoyed for breakfast, on sandwiches at lunch, or as a snack in cube form with mustard in the evening, cheese holds a cherished place in Dutch gastronomy. It pairs wonderfully with a glass of wine or beer.

Among the various types, semi-hard or hard cheeses dominate Dutch cheese varieties. The renowned ‘Gouda’ and ‘Edam’ take the lead, but there’s a diverse array of other Dutch cheeses to explore. When in Amsterdam, consider trying original Dutch cheeses during a DUTCH CHEESE & WINE CRUISE or visit the Henri Willig Tasting Room.

Preserving tradition, five cheese markets continue to thrive in the Netherlands: Alkmaar, Edam, Hoorn, Gouda, and Woerden. These cities provide a glimpse into centuries-old merchant practices at cheese markets, with the markets in Gouda, Edam, and Alkmaar being particularly famous, showcasing a tradition that spans over 600 years.

28. Saucijzenbroodje


Saucijzenbroodjes may resemble worstenbroodjes, but they bring a distinct flavor and texture to the table. These pastries are also filled with seasoned ground meat, often spiced with black pepper and nutmeg, similar to their counterparts. However, the two snacks have noticeable differences in taste and texture.

Saucijzenbroodjes tend to crumble more easily and offer a unique flavor profile compared to worstenbroodjes. So, despite their similar appearance, it’s worth trying both to savor the contrasts.

You’ll find ready-to-go saucijzenbroodjes in most supermarkets, and they’re even a common snack in hospital cafes, making them readily accessible for a quick and tasty treat.

29. Vla


Vla is a traditional Dutch custard celebrated for its smooth texture and rich flavor. This creamy delight is crafted from a blend of milk, sugar, flavorings, a thickening agent, and occasionally, eggs. There’s a variety of flavors available, including caramel, vanilla, chocolate, or raspberry.

During special occasions like Queen’s Day or significant soccer matches, vla may be infused with oranges to mimic the colors of the Dutch flag. Found in cartons at supermarkets, vla is commonly enjoyed either as a dessert or as a tasty snack, offering a delightful and versatile treat for those with a sweet tooth.

30. Hutspot


Hutspot, a popular winter classic, is a hearty dish consisting of mashed potatoes, onions, and carrots. What sets it apart is the inclusion of winterpeen (winter carrots), giving the dish a unique hint of sweetness that regular carrots cannot provide. Traditionally, hutspot is served with a piece of braised beef (klapstuk) or a meatball.

Legend has it that the recipe originated in 1574, during the relief of the city of Leiden when Spanish troops were forced to abandon their siege. They left behind parsnips, carrots, and onions, and the people of Leiden mixed these ingredients to enjoy a feast. Over time, they adapted the recipe, replacing parsnips with potatoes. To commemorate the city’s relief, many Dutch people still savor this traditional dish on 3 October.

31. Moorkop


Moorkop is a rich Dutch dessert made from a choux pastry generously filled with fluffy whipped cream and coated in a layer of decadent chocolate glaze. The indulgence doesn’t stop there – it’s topped off with an extra dollop of whipped cream and, if you like, adorned with bits of fruit like pineapple or tangerine.

Interestingly, the name “moorkop” translates to “Moor’s head,” drawing attention to the chocolate topping that resembles a Moor’s turban. This sweet treat not only delights the taste buds but also carries a touch of cultural inspiration in its name.

32. Bitterballen


Bitterballen, a Dutch classic, are like the Netherlands’ version of tapas – perfect for a quick snack or to enjoy with a drink. They’re often savored outdoors at cafes when the Dutch weather allows for it, soaking in the sun.

These are round, deep-fried crispy balls with a savory filling. While beef is a common filling, the specific type of bitterbal you try might have a variation in its filling. When in Holland, trying bitterballen is an absolute must for a delicious and quintessentially Dutch experience.

33. Jan Hagel

Jan Hagel

Jan Hagel cookies, integral to Dutch holiday celebrations like the Feast of St. Nicholas and Christmas, boast a delightful combination of flaky, buttery shortbread crust, an assortment of crunchy nuts such as almonds or walnuts, and a sprinkling of crystallized sugar.

The peculiar name, “Jan Hagel,” signifying an unruly mob or swarm, seems apt for these nutty delights. While the exact originator of Jan Hagel remains unknown, intriguingly, these cookies are not limited to the Netherlands; some sources connect them to France and Belgium.

What remains certain is that Jan Hagel cookies have been enjoyed since at least the 17th century, adding a timeless sweetness to festive celebrations with their rich history and delectable flavors.

34. Kletskop


Kletskop is a classic Dutch cookie made with a blend of flour, butter, sugar, salt, and either almonds or peanuts. These delightful treats are infused with the warmth of cinnamon, offering a delicate and crispy texture. Best enjoyed with a cup of tea or coffee on the side, kletskoppen add a sweet and crunchy touch to your break. These traditional cookies are a perfect accompaniment to your cozy moments of relaxation.

35. Mosterdsoep


Mosterdsoep is a classic Dutch soup that hails from Groningen, and it’s a winter favorite. To whip up this velvety delight, you combine flour, butter, stock, cream, leeks, and coarse grain mustard (Groningse or Zaanse mosterd works best). For an extra kick, you can enhance the flavor with bacon and white wine.

Once it’s cooked to perfection, the soup is served in bowls or soup plates, topped with chopped chives or bacon bits for that finishing touch. With its creamy texture and rich flavor, Mosterdsoep is a comforting and popular choice when the winter chill sets in.

36. Slavink


Slavink is a classic Dutch dish featuring meat enveloped in bacon and pan-fried in either lard or butter. While the contemporary version typically involves pork or ground beef, historical renditions wrapped bacon around small birds instead of meat cuts.

The name “slavink” is rooted in “slagvink,” referring to a singing finch. To savor this dish authentically, it’s recommended to serve slavink with a side of mashed potatoes, mushrooms, and onions. This combination of savory meat, crispy bacon, and flavorful sides makes slavink a delicious and comforting staple in Dutch cuisine.

37. Zeeuws Spek

Zeeuws Spek

Zeeuws Spek, originating from the region of Zeeland, is a classic Dutch bacon that undergoes a flavorful transformation. Seasoned with salt, pepper, and bay leaves, this traditional treat is marinated in a blend of spices, oil, and mustard. The final touch involves either broiling, grilling, or smoking, resulting in a bacon with an intense barbecue-like flavor.

In its most traditional presentation, Zeeuws Spek is enjoyed alongside bread and mustard. However, its versatility shines as it can also be savored with baked potatoes or incorporated into diverse salads, showcasing the delicious adaptability of this Zeeland specialty.

38. Griesmeelpudding


Griesmeelpudding is a classic Dutch comfort food that represents coziness and flavor. It’s a tasty semolina pudding made with semolina (griesmeel), milk, vanilla, sugar, and a pinch of salt. The traditional way to prepare it involves letting the pudding set in a mold and then flipping it upside down onto the serving plate.

To enhance the experience, griesmeelpudding is often served with a delightful berry sauce poured over the top. For an extra touch, it’s recommended to enjoy this dessert with some poached plums on the side. It’s a delicious and comforting treat that captures the essence of Dutch culinary tradition.

39. Banket


Banket, also known as banketstaaf, is a cherished Dutch pastry steeped in tradition. This delightful treat features puff pastry generously filled with almond paste, and for an extra touch, it may be brushed with fruit jam and adorned with cherries or almonds on top. Typically associated with Christmas festivities, this pastry is best enjoyed sliced and dusted with powdered sugar. Pairing it with a cup of coffee enhances the experience, making banket a delightful and comforting addition to holiday celebrations.

40. Roze Koek

Roze Koek

Roze Koek, an affordable and easy-to-prepare Dutch dessert, is crafted from basic ingredients like eggs, flour, butter, and sugar, resulting in a sweet and tender cake. Its distinctive feature is the pink icing on top, created with powdered sugar, berry juice, milk, and optionally, red food coloring.

Once baked and the icing has set, roze koeken are commonly enjoyed alongside a cup of coffee or tea. Occasionally, these delightful treats are available in different colors, with orange being a popular choice, particularly during football matches. The simplicity and versatility of roze koek make it a beloved and accessible treat in Dutch culinary culture.

41. Lekkerbekje


Lekkerbekje is a tasty Dutch dish where fish is coated in batter and deep-fried, making it akin to the Dutch version of fish and chips. You can easily spot it at various fish stands and markets across the Netherlands. Many folks enjoy it on the spot as a quick snack or bring it home for dinner.

For the best experience, pair your lekkerbekje with boiled potatoes and a side of tartar sauce. It’s a delightful treat that captures the essence of Dutch culinary delights.

42. Huzarensalade


Huzarensalade, a Dutch twist on the Olivier salad, brings together a medley of ingredients, sparking some debate on what truly belongs. Typically, this salad features a blend of potatoes, tart apples, gherkins, gherkin juice, carrots, shallots, ham or cooked veal or beef, mayonnaise, peas, and various seasonings.

The vegetables are cooked, mingling with the other ingredients, and the salad is then chilled before being garnished and served. The name pays homage to the Hussars, Hungarian cavalry known for their stealthy maneuvers behind enemy lines. To stay undetected, they concocted this salad using pre-cooked ingredients, mixed on the spot.

Huzarensalade finds its place as a delightful accompaniment to barbecued meats, often gracing the buffet table during festive occasions like Christmas or New Year’s Eve.

43. Appelflap


Appelflap is undoubtedly one of the best traditional foods from the Netherlands. These pastries are a delightful treat filled with gooey, chunky applesauce that’s incredibly delicious!

Made from a combination of dough, apples, and powdered sugar, appelflappen are known for their sweet and satisfying taste. Some variations may also include raisins for an extra burst of flavor.

Dating back to the Middle Ages, the appelflap has stood the test of time, becoming a cherished snack or treat enjoyed alongside a cup of coffee with friends. It’s a timeless and tasty part of Dutch culinary heritage.

44. Eierbal


Eierbal, a well-loved Dutch snack, particularly in the eastern and northern regions like Groningen, shares similarities with the popular Scotch eggs. This tasty treat features a hard-boiled egg encased in a flavorful meat ragù, often enhanced with the addition of curry powder.

The concoction is then coated in breadcrumbs and deep-fried until it achieves a delightful golden-brown exterior. Easily found at snack bars throughout the province, eierbal showcases a unique regional specialty. Notably, in 2015, the world’s largest eierbal, boasting a diameter of 44 cm, was crafted at the Friet van Piet snack bar, adding a touch of record-breaking flair to this beloved Dutch snack.

45. Gebakken mosselen

Gebakken mosselen

Gebakken mosselen is a beloved Dutch dish that involves frying fresh mussels with onions, garlic, and butter in a pan. Seasoned with a dash of salt, pepper, and sometimes ketchup, these flavorful mussels are best served on toast or paired with a delightful potato salad. It’s a delicious way to enjoy the richness of fresh seafood with a satisfying blend of flavors.

46. Kaasstengels


Kaasstengels, a beloved savory cookie enjoyed in both the Netherlands and Indonesia, brings together a delightful combination of ingredients. Flour, margarine, baking powder, and egg yolks form the base, while Dutch cheeses like Edam or Gouda add a rich flavor. To enhance texture, some recipes include cream, powdered milk, or cornstarch.

Historically used as a complement to soups or salads, kaasstengels have evolved into a popular snack. In Indonesia, they are particularly favored during Ramadan, while in the Netherlands, they have become a festive treat associated with Christmas. Whether enjoyed as a cultural tradition or a delightful snack, kaasstengels showcase the delicious fusion of Dutch and Indonesian culinary influences.

47. Bokkepootjes


Bokkepootjes are classic Dutch cookies with a delightful contrast of textures. With a crunchy exterior and a soft inside, these treats are made from a light meringue that gets dipped in rich chocolate. The meringue is then filled with luscious buttercream, almond paste, or sometimes even apricot jam.

The unique name, “bokkepootjes,” translates to “goat’s feet,” drawing attention to the visual similarity between the cookies and the hooves of a little goat. It’s a sweet and charming touch to these delicious Dutch delights!

48. Kibbeling


Kibbeling is a delightful dish featuring fried pieces of battered fish, typically served with a tasty garlic-mayonnaise or tartar sauce. It’s a seaside favorite in the Netherlands, often enjoyed near the coast or at local markets from the fish vendor’s cart. Every bite of kibbeling takes me back to those cherished days at the beach with my family when I was younger. It’s a nostalgic treat with a delicious connection to fond memories.

49. Gouda Cheese

Gouda Cheese

Gouda Cheese is a pride of the Netherlands, and I might be a little biased, but Dutch cheese is among the best globally. The tradition of cheese making in the country goes back over 1600 years! While Gouda stands out as the most famous Dutch cheese, don’t miss the chance to savor Edam, Maasdam, and Leidse varieties. Whether you explore local markets with cheese vendors or visit a traditional Dutch Cheese market, the rich cheese heritage is a must-try experience!

50. Leerdammer


Leerdammer is a Dutch cheese crafted from cow’s milk, and its origin dates back to 1977 when Cees Boterkooper and Bastiaan Baars created it in Schoonrewoerd. Although initially developed there, the cheese is now produced in Leerdam, giving it its name. This cheese boasts a smooth, springy, open, and creamy texture, with mild, sweet, and nutty flavors.

Often likened to a blend of Gouda and Emmental, Leerdammer undergoes traditional aging for a period ranging from 3 to 12 months. It’s highly versatile and recommended for use in sandwiches, salads, and various cooked dishes. The cheese adds a delightful touch to a wide range of culinary creations.

51. Rodekool met appeltjes

Rodekool met appeltjes

Rodekool met appeltjes is a wholesome and tasty Dutch side dish featuring braised red cabbage with apples. Commonly prepared during the winter months, this dish is seasoned with bay leaves, cloves, cinnamon, and sugar to enhance its flavor profile. It is said that reheating the dish the next day allows the sweet apples and tangy cabbage to meld, resulting in an even more delicious experience.

For an optimal serving, pair rodekool met appeltjes with boiled potatoes and hachee, a traditional Dutch beef stew. This side dish also complements game meats such as rabbit, venison, elk, and hare, creating a well-rounded and satisfying meal.

52. Jodenkoek


Jodenkoeken, also known as Jewish cookies, are a timeless Dutch treat with roots dating back to the 17th century. These large, round, and flat shortbread cookies boast a sandy texture and a delightful buttery flavor, created from a blend of flour, salt, cinnamon, sugar, milk, and butter.

Legend has it that these cookies originated in the early 1920s when a retiring Jewish baker sold his bakery to Davelaar, a cookie baker. Davelaar continued the tradition, packaging the cookies in metal cans with a distinctive yellow wrapper. To preserve their crunchiness and freshness, jodenkoeken are still traditionally packed in tin boxes today.

For an optimal experience, savor these cookies with a cup of hot tea, coffee, or hot chocolate, allowing the rich flavors to complement the comforting warmth of your beverage.

53. Rookworst


Rookworst from HEMA is a must-try when you’re in Holland, especially if you’re into traditional Dutch dishes like stamppot. This sausage is made by blending ground meat with various spices, giving it a unique and delicious flavor. For some of the best rookworst, head to HEMA – they’ve got the art of making this Dutch sausage down to perfection.

54. Hagelslag


Ever wondered why Dutch kids are among the happiest on Earth? It’s because they start their mornings with something magical – chocolate sprinkles on toast. Yes, you heard it right: CHOCOLATE. SPRINKLES. And it’s not just the little ones; even adults enjoy this delightful treat on their sandwiches.

In the Netherlands, there’s a variety of sweet sandwich toppings to explore. Muisjes, made from anise seeds, is another one worth trying. These tiny treats are often eaten to celebrate a new birth, with pink for girls and blue for boys. It’s a sweet tradition that adds a touch of joy to special moments.

55. Ontbijtkoek


Ontbijtkoek, or “breakfast cake” when translated, is the breakfast item I miss the most from my home country. It’s a sweet and moist cake infused with a variety of spices, making it a delightful treat. Not only does it make for a satisfying breakfast, but you can also enjoy it as a snack, perhaps with a thin layer of butter to enhance its flavor. It’s a taste of home that brings back fond memories.

56. Beschuit met muisjes

Beschuit met muisjes

Beschuit met muisjes is a cherished Dutch tradition enjoyed to celebrate the arrival of a new baby. This delightful snack consists of beschuit, a round, toasted, dry, and crunchy rusk, generously spread with margarine or butter, and adorned with muisjes – sugar-coated aniseeds.

The color of the muisjes carries a special significance. For a baby girl, the topping is typically pink and white (following the traditional colors), while for a baby boy, it’s adorned with blue and white (modern colors). The addition of aniseed is not just for flavor; it is believed to stimulate milk production in nursing mothers.

A symbolic and tasty treat, beschuit met muisjes holds a special place in Dutch households, welcoming guests to celebrate the joyous occasion of a new baby’s arrival.

57. Krentenbol


The Krentenbol, also known as the currant bun, is a Dutch bread filled with raisins, and it’s a breakfast or brunch favorite. Whether enjoyed plain or with added butter, sugar, or cheese, these buns offer a delightful start to the day. Personally, I believe they’re so delicious on their own that you don’t even need any toppings!

58. Tosti


Tosti, essentially a grilled cheese sandwich, is a beloved Dutch dish enjoyed mainly during lunch, though some folks opt for it at breakfast too. It also makes for a delightful side with soup.

To craft a tosti, you sandwich ham and cheese between two slices of bread. The Dutch then toast the sandwich for a few minutes, melting the cheese and enhancing the overall flavor. Often served with ketchup or mayonnaise, it’s a simple yet tasty treat in the Netherlands.

59. Taai-taai


Taai-taai, a beloved Dutch cookie, is renowned for its distinctively hard and chewy texture. Crafted from a simple combination of flour, sugar, baking powder, and eggs, these cookies are traditionally infused with the flavors of aniseed and honey. Their popularity peaks during the festive Sinterklaas season, where they are often shaped into hearts, animals, or even representations of Sinterklaas himself.

The name “taai-taai” aptly translates to “tough-tough,” directly alluding to the characteristic texture that defines these delightful cookies. Whether enjoyed as a seasonal treat or a year-round indulgence, taai-taai brings a unique combination of flavors and textures to Dutch culinary traditions.

60. Hollandse Nieuwe

Hollandse Nieuwe

Haring, specifically “Hollandse Nieuwe,” is a unique Dutch dish featuring raw herring served with chopped onions. The traditional way to eat it is by lifting the herring by its tail and taking bites from the bottom upwards. While it might not be everyone’s cup of tea, and some foreigners may give it a skeptical look (like my English boyfriend did), it undeniably offers a genuine Dutch experience!

61. Ossenworst


Ossenworst is a traditional smoked sausage originating from Amsterdam. In the past, it was always made from ox meat (hence the name), but nowadays it is usually made with raw beef and Dutch East Indies spices such as pepper, cloves, nutmeg, and mace.

This combination is then stuffed into beef casings, smoked, and dried. The final product has a soft and tender texture that is similar to that of steak tartare. Although many sources claim that ossenworst has Jewish origins, there is still not enough evidence to prove it.

Ossenworst is typically served sliced and paired with Dutch mustard, pickles, and a glass of beer, although it can also be used as a sandwich filling.

62. AVG

Aardappelen, Vlees, Groenten

AVG, or Aardappelen, Vlees, Groenten, is one of the most popular and straightforward dinners in Holland. It’s a classic combination of potatoes, meat, and vegetables, representing the quintessential Dutch meal. While other cuisines have made their way into Dutch kitchens in recent years, opting for a nice AVG is always a reliable and satisfying choice.

63. Patatje Oorlog

Patatje Oorlog

Patatje Oorlog, or War Fries, is a quintessential example of Dutch street food. In the Netherlands, fries are a big deal, often enjoyed with various toppings. War Fries, in particular, come loaded with mayonnaise, peanut satay sauce infused with spicy sambal, and a sprinkle of chopped onions. While it may sound like a battlefield in a tub, the combination is surprisingly tasty and captures the unique flavors of Dutch street cuisine.

64. Hachee


Hachee, a classic Dutch dish, certainly deserves a spot on this list. This hearty stew is crafted from meat, typically beef, along with onions, butter, and vinegar. Served with potatoes or rice, Hachee is a quintessential winter dish that embodies the rich and comforting flavors of traditional Dutch cuisine.

65. Borstplaat


Borstplaat is a classic Dutch candy known for its intensely sweet flavor. The candies are crafted using a simple mix of sugar and water, and occasionally enriched with heavy cream to enhance the taste. Traditionally, borstplaat is made for special occasions, particularly during festive times like Sinterklaas and Christmas.

These candies can be customized with various flavorings such as chocolate, coconut, caramel, or banana. As a delightful touch, borstplaat is often molded into charming shapes like figurines, hearts, or representations of Sinterklaas. Embracing a rich tradition, borstplaat adds a sweet and festive touch to Dutch celebrations.

66. Snert


Snert, the thick and traditional split pea soup from the Netherlands, is a winter favorite. This hearty soup combines split peas with pieces of pork belly, rookworst, and various vegetables, making it a comforting and satisfying dish. While it might not win any beauty contests, its taste certainly makes it a winner during the winter months in the Netherlands!

67. Indonesian Rijsttafel

Indonesian Rijsttafel

One of the best examples of traditional Dutch cuisine influenced by Indonesian flavors is the Indonesian Rijsttafel (Rice Table). This fusion is rooted in the rich history between the Dutch and Indonesia, dating back to the 16th century when the Dutch first arrived in search of spices. Indonesia later became a colony until gaining independence in 1945.

The Dutch were captivated by the delicious Indonesian cuisine, and today, Indonesian restaurants can be found throughout the Netherlands. The Indonesian Rijsttafel is a culinary experience featuring an array of smaller dishes, including egg rolls, sambals, satay, rice prepared in various ways, and more. If you have the chance to visit an Indonesian restaurant during your time in the Netherlands, it’s highly recommended for a delightful and flavorful culinary adventure!

68. Kroket


When it comes to snacks, the Dutch reign supreme! The ‘kroket’ is a deep-fried roll filled with meat ragout and coated in breadcrumbs. In English, it’s commonly known as a croquette. The traditional Dutch ‘kroket’ is crafted from beef or veal, but there’s a variety of flavors such as chicken satay, shrimp, goulash, or even a vegetarian version.

While you can enjoy a ‘kroket’ as a standalone snack, it’s often served on sliced white bread or hamburger buns with a side of mustard. Just a heads up, the ‘kroket’ can be quite hot inside. You can find ‘krokets’ almost everywhere in Amsterdam – from regular snack bars, cafes, and restaurants to McDonald’s (McKroket). Street-side vending machines, like those at ‘Febo’ snack bars scattered across the city, are also known for their tasty ‘kroketten.’ Notable

69. Suikerbrood


Suikerbrood is a delightful sweet and sticky Dutch bread that holds a traditional place during Easter festivities in the Netherlands. The dough is crafted from a mixture of flour, yeast, and water, with a generous amount of sugar added. To enhance its flavor, suikerbrood can be infused with ingredients like cinnamon or ginger. It is commonly sliced and enjoyed with a spread of butter.

Beyond its association with Easter, suikerbrood is also a thoughtful gift often presented to parents following the birth of a baby. This sweet and flavorful bread plays a special role in Dutch culinary traditions and celebrations.

70. Nasibal


Nasibal is a unique blend of Indonesian and Dutch culinary influences, often found in street vending machines offering a quick and tasty snack. Resembling a ball, nasibal is crafted from a filling of nasi goreng (fried rice with various spices), which is then coated in breadcrumbs and deep-fried in hot oil.

This unconventional treat can also be made at home, especially using leftover nasi goreng. For an authentic experience, pair nasibal with Indonesian peanut sauce, creating a flavorful combination that captures the fusion of these diverse culinary traditions.

71. Indo-Dutch Satay

Indo-Dutch Satay

Indo-Dutch Satay is a unique take on the classic satay sauce, showcasing the fusion of Indonesian and Dutch flavors. While satay sauce itself may not be originally Dutch, the Indo-Dutch version adds a distinctive twist. This spicy peanut sauce has become irreplaceable in the Dutch kitchen and is a true winner at BBQs. Although it’s often paired with chicken, this flavorful sauce complements any type of BBQ meat, making it a versatile and beloved addition to Dutch culinary traditions.

72. Vlaai


Vlaai is a delightful sweet pie with roots in the province of Limburg. This treat features a yeast pie base filled with creamy custard and topped with streusel, a crumbly topping. Its rich history traces back to Germanic tribes who initially drizzled the dough with fruit juice or honey. Later, it found its way into monasteries, where it served as a special sacrificial bread.

73. Kruidnoten


Kruidnoten are beloved Dutch cookies made from a mix of flour, sugar, butter, and milk. They’re richly flavored with a blend of spices, including ginger, cardamom, cinnamon, white pepper, cloves, and nutmeg. Unlike pepernoten, which are square-shaped, kruidnoten are traditionally baked in a round form.

If you’re a fan of chocolate, there’s also a delightful chocolate-covered version known as chocolade-kruidnoten. These cookies are a popular treat enjoyed during various festive occasions in the Netherlands.

74. Erwtensoep


Erwtensoep, a classic Dutch dish, often takes the spotlight during Christmas and New Year. This split pea soup is notably thicker than other variations. While you can adjust its thickness by adding more stock, the Dutch prefer it in its traditional hearty form.

It’s a popular choice for New Year’s Day, ideal for those feeling a bit delicate. However, Erwtensoep is suitable for any cold evening, offering warmth to both body and soul.

75. Bami Goreng

Bami Goreng

Bami Goreng, a delightful stir-fried egg noodle dish, is a culinary gem in Dutch cuisine, influenced by the historical ties between the Netherlands and Indonesia. Thanks to this connection, you’ll encounter Indonesian restaurants throughout the country, with bami goreng often featured on their menus. This flavorful dish combines garlic, onion, vegetables, meat, egg, and chili, providing a deliciously spicy kick.

As you explore Indonesian cuisine in the Netherlands, keep an eye out for other specialties like rendang (meat in coconut milk and mixed spices), rijsttafel (rice served with small dishes of spiced meat and vegetables), and the spiced layer cake known as spekkoek. These dishes showcase the rich and diverse flavors that have become integral to Dutch gastronomy.

76. Bossche Bol

Bossche Bol

Bossche Bol, originating from Den Bosch in the South of the Netherlands, is a delightful Dutch pastry. This oversized treat is essentially a large cream puff, a bit bigger than a tennis ball. Traditionally enjoyed with a cup of coffee or tea, the Bossche Bol can be a bit messy due to its generous size.

If you find yourself in Den Bosch during your journey through the Netherlands, trying a Bossche Bol is a must. The renowned Banketbakkerij Jan de Groot is known for serving some of the best ones in town.

77. Krentenbollen


Krentenbollen are sweet Dutch bread rolls filled with currants and raisins. People often enjoy them for brunch or as a late-night snack. These versatile buns can be paired with various toppings, whether sweet like butter, fruit jams, or cheese, or savory like sliced ham.

For a delightful combination, it’s suggested to savor krentenbollen with a steaming cup of coffee on the side. Whether you’re starting your day or having a cozy evening snack, these slightly sweet rolls are a tasty treat.

78. Kapsalon


Kapsalon, while not entirely Dutch but rather multi-ethnic, is undeniably one of the most satisfying treats in the Netherlands! This dish features fries adorned with meat, oven-melted cheese, and a fresh salad on top. They usually layer some sauce in between for an extra kick.

Despite its universal appeal, kapsalon packs a hefty 1800 calories, so it’s not an everyday indulgence. Considered a guilty pleasure or a post-drinking favorite, this sinfully hearty dish is often savored to complement a night out and help ease the effects of a good time.

79. Kerststol


Kerststol is a unique Dutch bread specially made for Christmas celebrations. This festive bread is filled with a delicious mix of raisins and candied fruits, topped with a dusting of powdered sugar. A traditional touch includes a creamy layer of almond paste on the inside.

During Christmas festivities, Kerststol is sliced, buttered, and served for a delightful breakfast or brunch. Interestingly, if a similar bread is prepared for Easter, it goes by the name paasstol. It’s a sweet and symbolic treat enjoyed during these joyous occasions.

80. Wentelteefjes


Wentelteefjes are a delightful Dutch delicacy commonly enjoyed for breakfast. This treat involves bread slices dipped in a mixture of milk, eggs, and cinnamon, then cooked in butter on both sides until they achieve a crispy texture.

To add a touch of sweetness, the crispy bread slices are often sprinkled with sugar or drizzled with honey. Easy to prepare and bursting with flavor, wentelteefjes are a fantastic way to repurpose leftover bread, making them a cherished breakfast choice that brings smiles to the faces of many children in the Netherlands.

81. Fries roggebrood

Fries roggebrood

Fries Roggebrood is a kind of rye bread from the Dutch province of Friesland. It tastes a bit sweet and sour, like pumpernickel bread, and is dark brown, almost black. The bread is dense and moist.

In the past, people often sliced Fries Roggebrood very thin and enjoyed it with cheese, butter, or sugar. Nowadays, it’s often served with Dutch pea soup, snert. Some say if you wrap the bread in plastic, it can last a really long time. You can also slice it and freeze it for later.

82. Nonnevot


Nonnevot is a distinctive pastry with roots in Limburg, dating back to at least the 17th century. Its dough is crafted from a blend of flour, yeast, milk, salt, butter, lard, and brown sugar. After preparation, the dough is deep-fried until it achieves a delightful golden-brown hue. While historically associated with carnival celebrations, today nonnevot can be found in numerous regional bakeries.

The peculiar name of this pastry, meaning “nun’s butt,” stems from its knotted shape, reminiscent of the knot often found on the back of a nun’s uniform. This quirky and delicious treat has become a unique part of Dutch culinary heritage.

83. Bitterballen


When gearing up for a big night out, Bitterballen is the go-to choice for the Dutch. These bite-sized delights are reminiscent of scotch eggs, featuring finely chopped beef or veal seasoned with a mix of spices, coated in breadcrumbs, and deep-fried to perfection.

Part of a spread known as bittergarnituur, meaning ‘garnish for bitters,’ Bitterballen is typically enjoyed with a couple of pints of beer. For the ultimate experience, head to a cozy Dutch pub, savor the crispy goodness, and kick off your evening with these tasty snacks.

84. Tijgerbrood


Tijgerbrood, named after the tiger-like appearance it gets when freshly baked, is a distinctive Dutch bread known for its sweet crunch, making it an ideal choice for crafting various sandwiches. The signature tiger spots are achieved by coating the dough with a blend of sesame oil, rice flour, sugar, and yeast.

This bread boasts a delightful contrast – crispy on the outside, yet soft and tender on the inside, which contributes to its popularity in the Netherlands. The unique texture and flavor make tijgerbrood a favored choice for those who appreciate a delightful and versatile bread option.

85. Zeeuwse bolus

Zeeuwse bolus

Zeeuwse bolus is a delightful sweet Dutch pastry, akin to the well-known cinnamon roll. Best enjoyed warm, these sticky, gooey, and tender bolussen are made from a mix of flour, milk, salt, sugar, yeast, and butter. Their distinctive flavor comes from a combination of dark brown sugar and ground cinnamon, creating a delicious melt-in-your-mouth experience when baked.

Believed to have originated from Sephardic Jewish bakers in the early 17th century, Zeeuwse bolussen have become a cherished treat. For the best taste, many enjoy them with a spread of butter and a side of coffee, making it a perfect pairing for a delightful Dutch indulgence.

86. Broodje haring

Broodje haring

Broodje haring is a tasty Dutch sandwich that’s enjoyed cold. This delightful treat features raw, salt-cured herring, along with sliced gherkins and diced onions, all nestled inside soft white buns. You can find this sandwich across the Netherlands, typically at vishandels – market stalls specializing in seafood and seafood-related snacks and sandwiches. It’s a flavorful and popular option for those craving a unique seafood experience.

87. Saté


Saté, a highly popular Indonesian dish, has seamlessly integrated into Dutch cuisine. With its origins traced back to Java, saté involves skewered and grilled meat served with a rich sauce made from sweet soy sauce, peanut butter, and an Indonesian chili sauce known as sambaloelek. While you might have encountered saté (or satay) elsewhere, the Dutch take it to another level of indulgence – serving it on top of French fries! It’s a delightful fusion of flavors that showcases the unique blend of Indonesian and Dutch culinary influences.

88. Herring


In the Netherlands, the tradition of consuming raw herring (haring) has endured for centuries. This fatty fish is lightly brined and salted, typically served with chopped onions and pickles.

While the idea of trying raw herring might not initially appeal to everyone, the experience can be surprisingly enjoyable. Even if you’re not eager to try it, like many others, you might find yourself pleasantly surprised by its light and fresh taste, contrary to the strong and overly fishy expectation. Sometimes, stepping out of your culinary comfort zone leads to unexpected delights!

89. Appelbeignet


Appelbeignet is a delightful Dutch dessert created by coating apple slices in batter and frying them in hot oil. Since the apple cores are removed and the batter puffs up during frying, appelbeignets share a visual resemblance with doughnuts, though they’re not exactly the same.

For the best results, it’s suggested to use apple varieties that aren’t overly tangy or juicy. Enjoy them warm, preferably with a dusting of cinnamon and powdered sugar. These sweet treats offer a tasty twist on the classic combination of apples and indulgent flavors.

90. Appeltaart


Appeltaart, the iconic Dutch apple tart, is an absolute must-try when you’re in the Netherlands. This delectable treat has been a part of Dutch culture since the Middle Ages, making its first appearance in an early Dutch cookbook called ‘A Notable Little Cookery Book.’

In a Dutch apple tart, sliced apples are embraced by a pastry lattice, creating a simple yet perfect dessert. To enhance the experience, it’s often served with a side of whipped cream. Indulge in the rich history and delicious flavors of this classic Dutch delight during your visit.

So far, we’ve looked at lots of Dutch foods, like stroopwafels and erwtensoep. We learned about these dishes and their stories. We went from big cities like Amsterdam to small villages in Friesland, trying out different foods.

Now, we’re almost done with our food adventure. we hope you enjoyed learning about these 90 Dutch dishes. Maybe you want to try making them yourself. Dutch food is special because it has cool stories and traditions.

Whether you’re a great cook or just starting, we hope these dishes make you want to cook and share tasty meals with your family and friends. Even though our trip is over, keep trying new foods and flavors. Remember the smells and tastes, and the fun we had.

Here’s to finding tasty things, enjoying meals with others, and having more food adventures. Until our next cooking journey, happy cooking!

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Maya Clark
Maya Clark