304 North Cardinal
St. Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

Baked Mini Falafel Salad

Baked Mini Falafel Salad

Imagine a dinner that’s not just tasty but also makes you feel good. Enter the Baked Mini Falafel Salad—a simple yet satisfying dish that’s easy to make and perfect for dinner. Picture this: crunchy mini falafels, baked to golden perfection.…

Grilled Halloumi Salad

Grilled Halloumi Salad

In the world of weeknight miracles, the Grilled Halloumi Salad emerges as a culinary revelation. After a taxing day, this dish comes together effortlessly, delivering a burst of flavors to revive your taste buds. It’s not just a salad; it’s…