304 North Cardinal
St. Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

Huevos Rancheros

Huevos Rancheros

Prepare the flavors of Huevos Rancheros, a dish that blends breakfast and dinner in a tasty way. Picture eggs, beans, and more coming together for a flavor-packed meal, stepping away from the usual morning routine. To create this dish, gather…

Chicken Verde Enchiladas

Chicken Verde Enchiladas

Chicken Verde Enchiladas are a tasty and simple dish that won’t take forever to make. Imagine having these cheesy delights with minimal effort and having some left for the next day. All you need is a store-bought rotisserie chicken and…

Taco Casserole

Taco Casserole

In the world of weeknight dinners, Taco Casserole stands out as an easy-to-make, no-fuss option. This dish brings the familiar flavors of Taco Tuesday to your table without the fuss of assembling individual tacos. Start by browning ground beef or…

White Sauce Veggie Enchiladas

White Sauce Veggie Enchiladas

Craving a delightful dinner? Try these White Sauce Veggie Enchiladas! They’re like a veggie fiesta wrapped in a warm tortilla. Simple, yet bursting with flavors. Let’s dive into the kitchen adventure. Start with the veggie filling – easy peasy. Heat…

Instant Pot Taco Soup

Instant Pot Taco Soup

Alright, foodies, gather around! I’ve got a game-changer for your taco night – an Instant Pot Taco Soup that’s anything but ordinary. Picture this: ground beef or turkey sizzling in the Instant Pot, teaming up with diced onions for a…

Beef Enchiladas

beef enchiladas

Experience a symphony of flavors with these Beef Enchiladas – not just any enchilada, but a culinary fiesta, a testament to the marriage of convenience and decadence. Imagine spiced ground beef, a melty cheese embrace, and enchilada sauce transforming the…